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Fort-Coulonge arena committee issuing survey, holding AGM April 20

Fort-Coulonge arena committee issuing survey, holding AGM April 20

13 April 2023 à 4:08 pm

The committee that manages the Fort-Coulonge arena, the Centre de Loisirs des Draveurs Century 21 Élite, will be holding their AGM on Thursday, April 20 at 6 p.m. in the reception room on the second floor. For  this is an opportunity to show the community the improvements that have been made and to elect future members of the committee. Guillaume Lavoie-Harvey, the leisure coordinator for the municipalities of Mansfield and Fort-Coulonge explained what typically happens at these meetings.

“Informing the members first and foremost, what happens at the Centre des loisirs during the season, but also trying to raise awareness or mobilize new members of the community who would be interested in coming to contribute for a term … ” he said (translated). “What we try to do on the committee is to always leave a long-term plan to the new member who might join the committee.”

The committee recently launched a survey to learn more about the usage habits of its customers, but also to try to develop new partnerships with municipalities and possibly obtain financial sums for infrastructure improvements.

“The main objective of the current recreation center committee is really the sustainability of the ice and then of the arena as such over the years,” Lavoie-Harvey said (translated). “So for the past two years, the committee has been exploring various grant applications that can be made to be able to renovate our old ice cooling system. So now what the committee hopes to be able to do with the survey is not only pick up the lives of our members as such, the recreation center user, but also the general population, not just Mansfield and Fort-Coulonge, but from the entire Pontiac and people from outside who use the recreation center.”

The survey is available here.

The full (French-language) interview with Lavoie-Harvey is available here.