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Flashing green light coming soon to Mansfield firefighters

Flashing green light coming soon to Mansfield firefighters

28 April 2021 à 12:00 am

Several municipalities will adopt the flashing green light system for their firefighters when they go to the scene of a fire or to the fire station. The fire chief of the Mansfield-et-Pontefract fire department, Patrick Bertrand, believes that this system could save precious time.

“Firefighters will be able to install this green flashing light in their personal vehicle. They will be able to warn other motorists to give way to them, whether they are going to a fire site or they must go urgently to the fire station. It will clearly facilitate travel, ”said Patrick Bertrand.

Before they can take advantage of this system, firefighters must undergo training and obtain a resolution from the municipality.

“Use will only be in emergency situations. Firefighters will have to undergo training beforehand, there are really serious procedures for this, ”explained Patrick Bertrand.

The green flashing system for firefighters from the Municipality of Mansfield-et-Pontefract fire department should be implemented over the next few months. The full interview with the fire chief of the fire department of the municipality of Mansfield-et-Pontefract, Patrick Bertrand is available here.