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Farm Lake public boat launch closed due to spread of Eurasian Milfoil

Farm Lake public boat launch closed due to spread of Eurasian Milfoil

15 July 2024 à 2:29 pm

The Municipality of Otter Lake announced on Thursday last week (July 11) that they would be closing the public boat launch on Farm Lake due to the growth of a patch of an invasive plant species, Eurasian Milfoil. The municipality held a public meeting in May to educate residents on how to curb the spread of this water plant to the region’s lakes.

As it is the only public access to the lake, those looking to remove their vessels can schedule an appointment by calling the municipality (819-453-7049) from Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Mayor Terry Lafleur explained that the inlet near the boat launch has a large concentration of milfoil that has grown large enough to reach near the surface, where it could potentially be chopped up and spread by boat propellers, which is why they decided to close it to the public.

He said that he believes the best option to eradicate the patch at the boat launch will be to cover it with a tarp that will slowly kill it all off, however, there is also the possibility of hiring divers to carefully pull out the plants by the root, a method that has already been used to remove a patch on Petit Lac Cayamant.

Lafleur added that they would be conducting surveys of several other lakes in the region to assess the spread and would seeking the collaboration of neighbouring municipalities such as Litchfield and Alleyn-et-Cawood.

He emphasized the importance of citizens abiding by their municipal bylaw, which requires all vessels (motorized or not) to be washed before they enter any local bodies of water. The municipal boat washing station is free for residents, and also has a free short cycle for people with kayaks or canoes.

The full interview with Lafleur (10m30) is available here.