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Extra measures taken by CISSSO to cope with high hospital/clinic traffic due to flu

Extra measures taken by CISSSO to cope with high hospital/clinic traffic due to flu

8 February 2018 à 12:00 am

Updated on 15 August 2023 à 2:25 pm

Le Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux is now implementing extra measures to deal with the high traffic in its facilities. During recent weeks, the flu, particularly rampant this winter, has put additional pressure on health care staff, who are already being stretched. As a result, overtime has increased and staff are struggling to keep up.

Extra measures:
– Optimal use of all available spaces in CHSLDs, intermediate and family-type resources in the Outaouais in order to quickly make short-term hospital beds available . In addition, negotiations are underway to develop additional spaces;
-Optimization of hospital beds used by relocating inpatients in urban areas to other facilities (Papineau, Shawville, Maniwaki, and Wakefield hospitals);
-Replacement of some human resources (nurse, nursing assistant, beneficiary attendant, clerk) to acute services;
-Suspension of training activities and orientation activities to increase the availability of clinical staff;
-Revision of the level of activities in operating theaters and the use of day surgery stretchers to clear emergencies;
– Establishment of modalities to eliminate the mandatory extra time;

In the community:
– ensure the increase in the availability of walk-in hours in GMF and medical clinics;
– ensure the application of precautionary measures and practices among intermediate resources and private residences for seniors, particularly through the use of the decision support tool: when and where to consult;
– prepare for the possible opening of influenza clinics as requested by the Department of Health and Social Services.

These measures take effect from now on and will continue until the situation improves. The CISSS de l’Outaouais is seeking the cooperation of the public and families concerned and will continue to inform them, as the situation progresses.