Engaged Pontiac Facebook group looking for another Warden candidate

Engaged Pontiac Facebook group looking for another Warden candidate

1 August 2017 à 12:00 am

Updated on 12 July 2023 à 11:14 am

A Facebook page entitled Engaged Pontiac in reference to the election of the Warden of the Pontiac MRC has been created. This Facebook page seeks a candidate who would have a positive view of change for the Pontiac.

Referring to the current candidates, Warden Raymond Durocher and former MLA Charlotte L’Écuyer, this Facebook group argues that even if the next candidate is less experienced, a new candidate would be in a better position to strengthen the region.

Among others things on the Facebook page, a video or one of the organizers of the group Jim Coffey, owner of Esprit Rafting, denounces the lack of vision concerning the Félix-Gabriel Marchand Bridge.

The slogan of this group is “Vote for Change”.

Municipal elections will be held on 5 November.
