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Émile Bilodeau will play in the streets of Aylmer

Émile Bilodeau will play in the streets of Aylmer

23 June 2020 à 12:00 am

This Wednesday, June 24th, the celebrating Outaouais will celebrate St-Jean-Baptiste by organizing a “traveling show” by Émile Bilodeau, who will circulate through Aylmer in a pick-up truck.

The president of Impératif français, Jean-Paul Perrault, explains the concept of the project, which was set up at the last minute to celebrate National Day.

Here is Émile Bilodeau’s planned trip
2 p.m. – The first part of the show at the Galeries d’Aylmer opposite the Super C and St-Hubert,
2:30 p.m. – The musical caravan will move on rue Principale to the Franck-Robinson intersection for the rest of the show,
3:00 p.m. – The show will continue at the Commemorative Park, rue Principale for the third segment;
3.30 pm – Last stop at the Parc des Cèdres for a grand final by the water!

The full interview with Jean-Paul Perrault is available here.