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Emergency Quebec: provisional assessment of consequences

Emergency Quebec: provisional assessment of consequences

3 May 2019 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 10:54 am

The website Urgence Québec updated their assessment of the consequences and evacuations of the spring flooding across Quebec, which represents the current state of the situation.


It should be noted that this temporary portrait was produced using information provided by the Ministry of Public Security and by municipalities. Residences that are no longer flooded are not counted in the tables on the website.

For the Pontiac:
Bristol: 4 evacuees
Bryson: nothing to report
Campbell’s Bay: 7 flooded residences, 3 isolated residences, 23 evacuees
Chichester: 12 flooded residences, 4 isolated residences
Clarendon: 12 homes flooded, 1 evacuee
Fort-Coulonge: 73 homes flooded, 210 evacuees
Île-du-Grand-Calumet: 15 flooded residences, 27 evacuees
L’Isle-aux-Allumettes: 50 flooded residences, 56 isolated residences, 30 evacuees
Litchfield: 7 isolated residences
Mansfield-et-Pontefract: 328 flooded residences, 31 isolated residences, 338 evacuees
Municipality of Pontiac: 224 flooded homes, 34 isolated dwellings, 285 evacuees
Portage-du-Fort: 1 flooded residence
Rapides-des-Joachims: 3 flooded residences
Sheenboro: 1 flooded residence, 5 isolated residences, 1 evacuee
Waltham: 32 flooded residences, 2 isolated dwellings, 33 evacuees

According to the most recent update of the Urgence Québec website, thirteen municipalities in the Pontiac region have taken emergency measures to counter the spring floods. The list now includes the municipalities of Campbell’s Bay, Chichester, Clarendon, Fort-Coulonge, Grand Calumet Island, Isle-aux-Allumettes, Litchfield, Mansfield-and-Pontefract, Pontiac, Joachim Rapids, Sheenboro, Thorne / Otter Lake and Waltham.

Forecasts from the Ottawa River Regulation Planning Board indicate that a second wave of floods is expected by May 8th, while forecasts indicate that water levels could reach 109.05m above mean sea level. Note that the peak reached during the first wave was 109.10m. Thursday night, levels were at 108.84m.

Click here to go to the Urgence Québec site.

Municipal contact for residents affected by floods:
• Campbell’s Bay: call 819 648-5811
• Chichester: call 819 689-2266
• Clarendon: call 819-647-3862
• Fort-Coulonge: call 819 683-2259
• Île-du-Grand-Calumet: call 819 648-5965
• Isle-aux-Allumettes: call 819 689-2266
• Litchfield: information online | call 819 648-5511
• Mansfield-et-Pontefract: call 819 683-2944
• Pontiac: information online | call 819 455-2401
• Rapids-of-Joachims: dial 613-586-2532
• Sheenboro: call 819-689-5022
• Thorne / Otter Lake: call 819-647-3206 or 819-453-7049
• Waltham: Dial 819-689-2057