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Deconfinement of all sectors except festivals, overnight camps and combat sports

Deconfinement of all sectors except festivals, overnight camps and combat sports

25 June 2020 à 12:00 am

Quebec has announced major deconfinement, notably bars, water parks and spas, which will be able to resume their activities starting today, June 25th.

Public health authorities have announced the resumption of almost all sectors still confined, with three exceptions, and under certain conditions. The National Director of Public Health, Dr. Horacio Arruda.

The exceptions are festivals, vacation camps with accommodation, and combat sports.

Horacio Arruda does not hide, however, that he is extremely concerned about a loosening of protection measures by citizens who would come to believe that the pandemic is over.

Note that this stage of deconfinement affects, in particular, amusement parks, water parks, spas, tourist accommodation establishments, bars, casinos and gambling houses as well as service companies for activities that cannot be performed by telework.

In addition, for deconfigured places and activities, specific rules may apply. In particular, customers will be seated in bars.

It will also be necessary to follow the sectoral rules applicable in spaces with a specific vocation. For example, for the food court of an amusement park, or for the rooms rented in a hotel or a convention center where a meal is served, the rules applicable to the restaurant sector must be respected.

General and sectoral guides are available on the website of the Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST). Tools are also available on the website of the National Institute of Public Health of Quebec (INSPQ) to support the various actors in society in the implementation of health guidelines.

The rules imposed for already deconfined sectors remain in force.

Finally, remember that the physical distance of 2 meters remains the general rule to respect.