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Day two of the SAQ strike

Day two of the SAQ strike

22 August 2018 à 12:00 am

The unionized employees of the Société des alcools du Québec (SAQ) are holding a second strike day, today, across the province. For the occasion, employees of the Outaouais, including the SAQ branches in the Pontiac, “will express their dissatisfaction in front of the offices of MNA’s Marc Carrière, Maryse Gaudreault and Minister Stéphanie Vallée to call on the government to resolve stalemate” says the statement issued by the Central Council of National Unions of the Outaouais.

SAQ employees have not had a collective agreement since March 31, 2017. And last June, after 16 months of bargaining, union members voted at 91% for a six-day strike. Their main priorities are improving the balance of work-family-education and reducing job insecurity.