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Dave Blackburn singles out William Amos

Dave Blackburn singles out William Amos

16 July 2019 à 12:00 am

The signs that the federal elections are on our doorstep have begun to surface as the various candidates are increasingly active on social media.

One of the signs is the current Pontiac MP, Liberal William Amos, went door-to-door last weekend and the Conservative candidate for the Pontiac, Dave Blackburn calling him out on Facebook over certain actions.

In a Facebook post on Sunday, Dave Blackburn said that William Amos’ volunteers disrespected him. If the same post, Blackburn took the opportunity to target Prime minister Justin Trudeau as well.

From Dave Blackburn’s article:
” The Liberal MP for Pontiac has tried to give me lessons a few times in the last few months. Each time, I took care to tell him concrete facts to show him that he was not right.
Two weeks ago, the Liberal MP for Pontiac and his volunteer team ran out of class and respect by throwing my pamphlets on the ground and covering them with their own pamphlets.
Sincerely, it is insulting that the face of Justin Trudeau, one of the worst prime ministers in Canadian history, be put on top of my pamphlet.
Yesterday, we went door-to-door. The Liberal MP for Pontiac had been there before us a few days earlier. So, I want to take advantage of this publication to give him a lesson on the respectful way to go door-to-door.
I told my volunteers to always put our pamphlet above the one of the Liberal MP for Pontiac. Even, if ever his pamphlet should fall to the ground when we place ours, we’ll pick it up and put it back in place.
It’s easy to do! It’s respectful! It’s democratic!
I hope the Liberal MP for Pontiac and his team of volunteers will remember the lesson!”

The 2019 Canadian federal elections will be held on October 21st.