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Current situation of the forest industry in the Pontiac; Review of the Forest Action Forum

Current situation of the forest industry in the Pontiac; Review of the Forest Action Forum

16 January 2018 à 12:00 am

Updated on 8 August 2023 à 11:00 am

Last night, MRC Pontiac Warden Jane Toller held a meeting about the current state of the Pontiac forestry industry. In front of a crowded room at the Club de l’Age d’or of Fort-Coulonge, employees of the MRC, the Warden and forestry industrialists presented updates on the state of the forestry industry in the Pontiac . Warden Jane Toller said she wants to build on the future potential of industry in the MRC:

Industrialists such as Bruno St-Cyr, co-owner of the Davidson sawmill, said he was increasingly close to setting up a co-generation project with Hydro Quebec to revive this industrial site:

MRC Pontiac territorial Director Réjean Dugas presented a map to the public with the various forestry activities currently taking place within the Pontiac were industries processing their lumber elsewhere:

The Director of the Biomass Center (CVB) Pierre Vézina presented the latest updates on the Biomass project along with the project timeline.


The full summary of this forum will be available at
