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Crisis Report from the MRC

Crisis Report from the MRC

22 March 2020 à 12:00 am

The MRC activated a crisis team on Thursday March 12th and this team of directors and key
personnel have met daily since that date. The economic development department of the MRC mobilized staff to work from home beginning on Monday March 16th. Other departments of the MRC followed suit over the course of the week allowing for a minimal amount of staff to be on site at the MRC offices. In order to facilitate this process, a remote work policy was developed, and communication channels such as Zoom videoconferencing and Microsoft teams are proving effective.

The MRC has held customer service front of mind while trying to ensure the health and safety of all our citizens as well as staff and elected officials. We certainly understand the need for business continuity while we navigate this unprecedented crisis. As such, the following measures have been taken:

The SAAQ office in Campbell’s Bay was open on Monday and Tuesday of this week, with additional sanitary measures in place. The office was closed for the remainder of this week and will remain closed next week and until further notice.

b) Reception
In order to be able to respond to the inquiries from our citizens we have designated staff resources to receiving phone calls and retrieving voice messages, as well as to receiving and distributing emails.

Delivery of Communications
The MRC Pontiac understands that the provision of timely and accurate information is a critical task during this pandemic. Our strategic communications advisor is working closely with Warden Jane Toller, General Director Bernard Roy as well as our management team in order to issue timely and accurate information. Messages are tailored to citizens, to businesses, to our municipalities and to our partners depending on the information.
We have compiled a list of resources and have published this list on our website at This list contains information on health, for families, for businesses and general information. This list is evolving and new links are added as they become available. The website of the MRC Pontiac, is our main channel for disseminating. Information is also posted via the official MRC Pontiac Facebook page at

Implementation of Interim Measures for Business
The MRC Pontiac is working directly with our various partners and government organizations to put together an information package for our business clients. We intend to issue this information as soon as possible while ensuring that the information is accurate and up to date.

Réduction de la présence des employés dans les bureaux de la MRC
Vendredi (13 mars) 25 employés
Lundi (16 mars) 22 employés
Mardi (17 mars) 19 employés
Mercredi (18 mars) 13 employés
Jeudi (19 mars) 8 employés
Vendredi (20 mars) 5 employés