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Council of Mayors approves the MRC’s FRR analysis committee’s recommendations

Council of Mayors approves the MRC’s FRR analysis committee’s recommendations

28 October 2020 à 12:00 am

During the most recent meeting of the mayors of the MRC Pontiac on October 21, it was resolved by the Regional Council to accept the recommendations of the analysis committee for development projects under Component 2 of the Regions and Rurality Fund (FRR).

Funding has been approved to the following projects:

  • Municipality of Alleyn and Cawood (Library/Conference Room Renovations): $40,000.00
  • Municipality of Campbell’s Bay (Recreation and Tourism Park Development): $52,432.09
  • Municipality of Chichester (Phases 3 and 4 Shoreline Project): $41,500.00
  • Town of Shawville (Arena flooring): $8,758.61
  • Bryson RA (Infrastructure for people with disabilities): $21,949.82
  • Maison des jeunes du Pontiac (Pilot project multi-resource center in Rapides-des-Joachims): $15,000.00
  • Patro Mansfield (Upgrading of small park post-flood): $8,722.49
  • Phare-Ouest (Illumination of the Félix-Gabriel-Marchand Bridge): $35,324.20
  • Shawville Curling Club (Virtual Golf Centre): $51,693.97
  • Shawville RA (Playground equipment upgrades): $32,368.69
  • Ski Pontiac (Four season recreational trail): $42,899.26
  • James Shaw Villa (Architect and Engineering Contracts): $56,789.25
  • Zec St. Patrice (Boat Rental Centre) $19,287.95