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Closure of Chemin de la Montagne at Horticulture Latrémouille

Closure of Chemin de la Montagne at Horticulture Latrémouille

28 November 2017 à 12:00 am

Updated on 3 August 2023 à 11:09 am

In the Municipality of Pontiac, a collapsed roadway caused the complete closure of Chemin de la Montagne at Horticulture Latrémouille. A sixty centimeters hole as deep as it was wide was formed on the culvert forcing the road closure last Saturday.

The Chemin de la Montagne had been damaged during the floods last spring and during the heavy rains earlier this fall. Engineers were on site Monday to assess the extent of damage and necessary work needed.

According to information from Radio-Canada, a meeting was scheduled yesterday to check the situation. More information is expected, you can to get around the road via Highway 148 or Elm, Terry Fox and Baillie.
