CJE Pontiac launches new program; La Défriche
CJE Pontiac launches new program; La Défriche
The Carrefour Jeunesse Emploi du Pontiac officially launched its new program, La Défriche, yesterday morning. The program is designed for young people in Pontiac, between the ages of 14 and 29. The goal of the program is to give young people tools to accompany them in school, in their professional life or in personal life, and get them involved in the community. According to the coordinator of the program Suzanne Vallières-Nollet says that La Défriche is based on the Créneau Carrefour Jeunesse program customized for the Pontiac.
Suzanne Vallières-Nollet ;
Clip – Suzanne Vallières-Nollet

la défriche
Photographies : Gracieuseté.