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Chutes Coulonge Haunted Walk Cancelled due to the Pandemic

Chutes Coulonge Haunted Walk Cancelled due to the Pandemic

8 October 2020 à 12:00 am

The anticipated Haunted Walk at the Parc des Chutes Coulonge in Mansfield was forced to be cancelled for 2020 Halloween season. Although cancelling the event due precaution, the Director General of the Chutes Coulonge, André Piché explained the cancellation brought on by the rising of cases in the Outaouais region and to the confusion of the measures to follow in organizing such an event.

André Piché added that he remains optimistic to be able to hold the Festival of lights this winter season, however, him and his team at Chutes Coulonge team will be continuing to monitor the situation and act accordingly.

To learn more about the Parc des Chutes Coulonge’s 2020 Summer season, listen to the full interview with André Piché here.