Charlotte L’Écuyer officially announces her candidacy for the office of Warden
Charlotte L’Écuyer officially announces her candidacy for the office of Warden
The first candidate to officially announced her candidacy yesterday to the position of warden elected by universal suffrage is the former member of the National Assembly for the Pontiac Charlotte L’Écuyer. During past conversations with CHIP she stated that she not interested in the job. Charlotte L’Écuyer:
During the past 3 years Charlotte L’Écuyer has had a regular feature in both French and English know as Chronic in the French Language. When asked whether she had used her regular features to promote her ideas with the intention of running for Warden she replied no. Charlotte L’Écuyer explains:
A link to the full interview (French) with Charlotte L’Écuyer is available here.
The current Warden Raymond Durocher is expected to announce his candidacy soon.

Charlotte L’Écuyer