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Chapeau RA cuts ribbon on new splash pad

Chapeau RA cuts ribbon on new splash pad

11 September 2023 à 1:56 pm

On Saturday afternoon, members of the Chapeau Recreation Association gathered during the town’s annual family ball tournament to inaugurate their new splash pad.

RA President Karie Bissonnette explained that the project had been a long time coming, as their initial grant application in 2020 was turned down.

Bissonnette said that the project cost just shy of $200,000, and was made possible through a grant of $135,982.27 from the MRC’s Regions and Rurality Fund, as well as $25,000 plus $2,500 of in-kind services from the Municipality of L’Isle-aux-Allumettes. The RA fundraised the remaining $32,500 from their supporters in the community.

Mayor Corey Spence said that he was proud of the work that the RA had done to get the project over the finish line.

Bissonette said that the next project on the agenda would be to improve the drainage on their soccer fields, which have had flooding issues, along with further upgrades to the fencing and netting at the ball field. She said her father Maurice established the soccer fields when she was a child and getting them back into good shape was a priority for her.