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Centre Pontiac presents a new Social Integration Training

Centre Pontiac presents a new Social Integration Training

12 December 2019 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 11:03 am

The Adult Education Center (Centre Pontiac) in Fort-Coulonge launched its new “enhanced” training program Formation en intégration sociale (FIS), on Wednesday, which aims to help students who have difficulties in everyday life. The coordinator of the Adult Education and Vocational Training Department at the Hauts-Bois-de-l’Outaouais School Board (CSHBO), Normand Beaupré, gave a description of the program, which will now be divided into three blocks.

This enhanced version of the Social Integration Training will begin on January 7th. According to Centre Pontiac program leaders, the enhanced program will allow students to be “better equipped and prepared to adapt to everyday life” through the completion of various projects. A student of the Center, Michelle Leblond, said she is looking forward to the start of the FIS program.

The Pontiac Centre de formation professionnelle (CFP) will be offering a study program named APED or Assistance à la personne en établissement et à domicile, which will start on January 13. They will work in collaboration with FIS students.
