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Centre de Tri Pontiac ordered by the Minister of Environment

Centre de Tri Pontiac ordered by the Minister of Environment

3 May 2019 à 12:00 am

In a press release issued by the Minister of environment, Benoit Charette ordered the Centre de Tri de Pontiac to stop depositing and burying residual materials in non authorized locations immediately and to proceed with restoring said land as soon as possible. The land in question, at the Centre de Tri Pontiac in Litchfield, has been advised by the ministry on previous occasions.

The orders issued by the Minister came in addition to those reported on by CHIP 101.9 on February 18th 2019. The Centre de Tri will now have to present, in the next 15 days, a plan in order to apply the orders of the minister and to re-establish the state of the land before the work had begun. The Centre will also have to clean and remove the deposited residual materials in the non authorized locations and deposit them in an authorized location.