
SOPFEU launches its recruitment campaign
The Société de protection des forêts contre le feu (SOPFEU) has launched an annual campaign to recruit forest firefighters. SOPFEU’s prevention and communications officer, Mélanie Morin, specified that SOPFEU offers several jobs in a variety of stimulating positions. On the other hand, she explains that you have to be ready to travel and make sure […]
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Several job offers at the MRC Pontiac
Four new job offers were recently posted by the MRC Pontiac, in different departments: public security; economic development; PPJ Cyclopark; tourism. The MRC is looking, in particular, for a Fire Prevention technician, a Commissioner for Economic Development, an Ambassador for Local Tourism, as well as a student to carry out the maintenance of the PPJ […]
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Green light for day camps on June 22
Starting June 22, children will be able to attend day camps managed by municipalities, as planned by the Quebec government before the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to enforce the hygiene and distancing measures surrounding the current context, the groups will be limited and the children will have to respect a physical distance of 2 meters. […]
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Cancellation of the summer day camp at Chapeau
The Chapeau (Isle-aux-Allumettes) Recreational Association (RA) summer day camp has been canceled due to the pandemic. “It is a decision that we feel is necessary to comply with government regulations as our services would be setup in a community hall and park, which remain closed at this time,” said Association President, Karie Bissonnette to CHIP […]
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High speed Internet, assistance to local businesses and projects of economic scope
Pontiac MRC warden Jane Toller addressed residents on Tuesday evening in a letter posted on the MRC website. She talks about high-speed Internet access, help offered to local businesses and projects of economic scope in the region, such as the forest industry and the waste recovery project. Here is the content of her message : […]
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Reopening of primary schools and daycare centers on May 11
Quebec plans to gradually re-open elementary schools and daycare centers on May 11, 2020. High school, college and university students will not return to class until September. However, schools will not be mandatory and will only be on a voluntary basis. When announcing this gradual return, the Minister of Education, Jean-François Roberge, indicated that schools […]
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Financial aid for low-wage workers
Quebec will offer a bonus of $100 a week during 4 months to essential workers whose wages are lower than the $2,000 per month aid benefit, granted by the federal government. This compensation will be retroactive as of March 15th, and will total $1,600 per month. It is aimed to low-wage workers, such as grocery […]
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Québec volonteers to get involved in Food Banks
The local food bank, Bouffe Pontiac, noted during the month of March a significant increase in families (14 families), who will now be helped by the organization’s services. The general manager, Kim Laroche, informed CHIP 101.9 that those who wish to help with the distribution of food to seniors aged 60 and over can give […]
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Two new arrivals that should mark the New Year
In 2020 The MRC Pontiac should see the addition of two new employees (or internally hiring) in order to fill two positions of strategic importance at the MRC which could have impacts on everyone in the Pontiac. Two jobs that could also make a difference in vitality, economic growth and in the reputation of the […]
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L’EntourElle calls on the CISSSO
L’EntourElle, the organization that helps women who are victims of domestic violence in the Pontiac, believes that the housing shortage in the Outaouais region has an impact in the quality of services offered by the shelter. The Executive Director of L’EntourElle, Gisèle Mousseau, explains: In a press release issued on July 8th by the seven […]
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