Opening Sloan’s Snack Shack
Sloan’s Snack Shack, in Campbell’s Bay, will open for the season this Friday, April 6th. As part of the opening, the owners will serve burgers and fries at a cost of $ 6.
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SAQ White Wine Campaign for Moisson Outaouais
For an 8th year, the SAQ will donate $ 1 to the Quebec Food Banks Network (BAQ) for each bottle of white wine sold throughout its network of stores, as well as via its website at, from the 4th to the 6th of May . Last year, this fundraiser in addition to direct donations […]
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TransporAction AGM on April 12
TransporAction will hold its Annual General Meeting on Thursday, April 12 at 9:30 am at 1226 A, Highway 148 (back door). The organization asks those interested in attending to confirm by calling 819-648-2223 or by email at If anyone wishes to receive the documents related to the AGM who cannot attend, they may notify […]
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The sugar season in the Pontiac
Despite the always shifting weather in the Pontiac, the maple syrup season is going strong. CHIP 101.9 spoke with maple syrup producer Dany Ladouceur who said that to date the temperatures are not too bad for production. The complete interview with Dany Ladouceur is available here.
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Agritourism and gourmet tourism cinq a sept event in Campbell’s Bay tonight
Tonight, April 5th, the farmers and entrepreneurs of the Pontiac are invited to a cinq a sept event in agrotourism and gourmet tourism at the MRC Pontiac HQ. On the schedule will be a follow-up on the agrotourism and gourmet tourism approach, information on the Outaouais Gourmand Course and a new application for smart phones […]
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Ile-du-Grand-Calumet Councilor Patrice Dumouchel resigns
Grand Calumet Island municipal councilor Patrice Dumouchel has resigned. In a letter to the board made public at last night’s meeting, he stated that it was over personal health issues that led him to this decision to step down from public office. According to information received, Réjean Meilleur has become pro-mayor for the time being, […]
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The Chaporond farm mushroom cultivation
It’s that time of year again when agricultural operations are set to start up for another growing season. In light of this CHIP 101.9 has interviewed Dany Fortin, the owner of the Chaporond farm located in Clarendon specializing in mushroom cultivation. Mr Fortin says that they currently produce 60 to 80 pounds of mushrooms per […]
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More details about the Abattoir Les viandes du Pontiac slaughterhouse
At a media event last night at the Shawville Municipal Hall, those behind Les viandes du Pontiac slaughterhouse provided more details about the company’s operations. Among other things, they specified certain elements of their business plan such as halal meat intended for an Islamic clientele. Agronomist Sofiane El Koutroussi a stakeholder in the company talks […]
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Pontiac Snowmobile Association: Closed Trails Networks
The Pontiac Snowmobile Association has declared the snowmobile season over on its Facebook page. The board of directors says that this season was mediocre, because of the weather conditions unfavorable to the practice of snowmobiling . They say, in spite of the weather, the trails were in excellent conditions throughout the system while they were […]
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Francoportraits competition: 5th grade class in Chapeau wins
The Grade 5 class of Mrs. Isabelle Nadeau of école Notre-Dame du Sacre-Coeur of Chapeau participated in the Francoportraits contest by the Canadian Association for Education in French (ACELF). The participating class won $ 100 gift certificates for the Pantoute Bookstore and a choice between an album by Alexandre Belliard or Canadian children’s books. Isabelle […]
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