Ressources Sphinx annual general assembly

17 August 2018 à 12:00 am

The Ressources Sphinx society will hold their annual general assembly meeting in the MRC Pontiac for a second year in a row. The president and chief director of Ressources Sphinx Normand Champingy: The AGA will be held at municipal hall in the municipality of l’Ile du grand Calumet on August 30 at 2pm. The full […]

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A new engineer in the Pontiac

17 August 2018 à 12:00 am

A new permanent civil engineer has been hired by the MRC Pontiac. Her name is Kim Lesage, originally from Otter lake. She explained to CHIP what her role will be at the MRC: According to Kim Lesage, having a permanent Engineer at the MRC will reduce the overall cost to hire an engineer for the […]

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Meeting with Samuel Gendron, Candidat for NDPQ

17 August 2018 à 12:00 am

The New Democratic party of Quebec candidate for the Pontiac Electoral district, Samuel Gendron met with CHIP 101,9 to discuss the party’s different priorities that, according to him, would peak interest among a lot of Pontiac voters. In an open letter written in the Pontiac Journal, this Wednesday, the New Democratic Party of Quebec (the […]

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Pontiac Candidate chosen for the Coalition Avenir Quebec

17 August 2018 à 12:00 am

CHIP 101,9 just learned that Olive Kamanyana will represent Coalition Avenir Quebec for the Pontiac in the upcoming Provincial Elections on October 01. Mme Kamanyana is a senior official in the federal government. According to the findings by CHIP’s Francois Carrier, the leader of Coalition Avenir Quebec will present Olive Kamanyana as the QAC candidate […]

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MRC Pontiac August meeting

16 August 2018 à 12:00 am

Yesterday, the mayors of the MRC Pontiac had their August meeting where they introduced the new engineer for the Pontiac, Kim Lesage, who is a resident of the municipality of Litchfield and originally from Otter Lake. More information about the resolutions adopted during the meeting yesterday will be available soon. Note, next month’s meeting will […]

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The leader of the green party of Quebec in Chalk River

16 August 2018 à 12:00 am

The leader of the green party of Quebec (PVQ), Alex Tyrrell, made his way to Chalk river this week to voice his opposition towards the construction of a new nuclear waste storage facility in Chalk river. According to Alex Tyrrell quote ” the project could have serious consequences to the drinking water in the Ottawa […]

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Open letter in the Pontiac Journal

16 August 2018 à 12:00 am

In an open letter written in the Pontiac Journal, this Wednesday, the New Democratic Party of Quebec (the NDPQ) for the Outaouais expressed their concern regarding the existing obstacles in Political Participation. In the open letter titled ”Des obstacles réels à la participation politique” found on page 7, the NDPQ committee members say a few […]

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Candidate chosen for Coalition Avenir Quebec

16 August 2018 à 12:00 am

CHIP 101,9 just learned that Olive Kamanyana will represent Coalition Avenir Quebec for the Pontiac in the upcoming Provincial Elections on October 1st. Miss Kamanyana is a senior official in the federal government. According to the findings made by CHIP’s Francois Carrier, everything will be confirmed and she will be presented by the leader of […]

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National Park Project at l’Ile du grand Calumet

15 August 2018 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 10:46 am

During the council meeting, owner of Wilderness Tours and head of the National park project, Joe Kowalski, expressed his excitement about the support of the municipality Joe Kowalski must now get the support of the mayors of the mrc Pontiac. The full interview with Joe Kowalski is available here.

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Council meeting at the municipality of l’ile du Grand Calumet

15 August 2018 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 10:46 am

The municipal meeting at the municipality of L’Ile du Grand Calumet was dominated, yesterday, by the public interest in the National Park Project at the Iles Lafontaine. Around 40 citizens were in attendances, where the vast majority approved the project. The municipality approved their support of the project under certain conditions like a road that […]

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