Nearly $ 18,000 awarded at the ESSC Collation des grades
The Collation des Grades took place over the weekend at ESSC. According to the Facebook post, out of a total of 33 graduates, 7 received a golden cord, for maintaining an overall average of 75% and over during the school year. Over the years this event has becomes an important source of motivation for future […]
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Training on wetland and water conservation in the MRC Pontiac
Training on wetland and water conservation will be held this Wednesday in the Pontiac. This training is organized by the ABV des 7 (7 Watershed Agency) and the MRC Pontiac. A two-hour session will consists of a presentation on the Wetlands and Waters Conservation Act; the new compensation by-law and detailed analysis of what is […]
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Sphinx appoints Jeremie Ryan Vice President Corporate Development
Resource Sphinx, which has mineral (zinc) exploration project on l’Île-du-Grand-Calumet has recently appointed Jeremie Ryan, a resident of the municipality of Mansfield, as vice-president of Corporate Development. In a press release, Sphinx states that “Ryan’s main mandate will be to support the growth of the company and facilitate the community relationship in the Pontiac MRC […]
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Jim Coffey received a Lifetime Achievement Award
The owner of Esprit Rafting, Jim Coffey, received a Lifetime achievement award from the Ottawa Adventure Film Festival, for the work esprit Rafting accomplished in the region. In an interview, Coffey talked about the work Esprits has done in the last few years The Esprit located in the Municipality of Mansfield burned down 2 years […]
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Isabelle Nadeau ; essential oils and Genies en herbe grand finale
A presentation of essential oils will be on December 7th at 6:30 pm at Maison George Bryson in the municipality of Mansfield-et-Pontefract. The organizer of this event, Isabelle Nadeau, gave CHIP more details; Isabelle Nadeau also wanted to invite Pontiac to the Génies en Herbe grand finale on December 11th and 12th: The full interview […]
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Walk to raise awareness on violence against women
The 9annual walk to raise awareness about domestic violence will be held on Monday, November 26th, from noon to 1 pm starting at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Fort-Coulonge. The community work for EntourElle told CHIP, the reason why they organize a walk every year: The event is organized in collaboration between the Knights […]
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Christmas party
Council 1531 of the Knights of Columbus will hold its annual Christmas party at the K of C hall on Ellis Avenue, Pembroke on Dec. 11. Social hour at 6p.m.. Dinner at 7 p.m. Tickets are available from Town and Country in downtown Pembroke and at the door. Cost is $20. Members are reminded to […]
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CREDDO survey; what are the best recovery methods for agricultural plastics
Le Conseil Régional de l’Environnement et du Développement Durable de l’Outaouais (CREDDO) conducts a survey in collaboration with the MRC Pontiac, the UPA Outaouais-Laurentides Federation and other partners of the Outaouais, to know the best agricultural plastics recovery methods. This survey is addressed to farmers in the region who are concerned about this issue. The […]
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Municipality of Campbell’s Bay : Winter parking
The municipality of Campbell’s Bay issued a public notice as of November 15 in regards to Winter Parking in the municipality. It reads: “during snow removal operations it is forbidden to park your vehicle in the street between midnight and 6am”. This regulation is in effect until April 15, 2019.
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Skating through Forest hopes to open on December 1st
Skating Through the Forest, located in Lac-des-Loups in the municipality of La Peche, are hoping to open soon. The owner of the project, Dave Mayer, says that the 3km long ice skating trail in the heart of the forest adjacent to a snowshoe/ hike trail is in great condition : Different activities will be organized […]
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