Shawville Winter Carnival
The Municipality of Shawville is invites you to participate its next Winter Carnival, which will take place on Saturday, February 23rd, starting at 10 am at the Shawville Arena, 215 Lang Street. From 10am and 1pm, the event will be packed with activities such as skating on the ice rink, sliding outside, horse drawn sleigh […]
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The MRC Pontiac’s online survey
As part of launching the 2020-2030 strategic planning initiative, the MRC Pontiac is inviting the citizens of the region to participate in an online survey, available through the MRC website and is in regards to the future of the Pontiac. The Warden of the MRC, Jane Toller, gave more details: This information will be used […]
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Misunderstanding at the MRC Pontiac Youth Council
The municipality council of Campbell’s Bay reported to CHIP 101.9 that a misunderstanding occurred during the selection process of their member for the MRC Pontiac’s Youth Council that held its first meeting on January 21st. It would seem that the MRC substituted the municipality’s selection for another to represent Campbell’s Bay on the youth council. […]
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Snowmobile trails in the Pontiac and Outaouais
Winter time here in the Pontiac haves citizens out by the dozens on their snowmobiles. CHIP101.9 spoke to the region’s administrator at the Outaouais’ Fédération des clubs de motoneige du Québec, Pierre Tremblay, who gave us an overview of the season up until now: The full interview with Pierre Tremblay is available here. Visit the […]
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Ottawa Valley Recreation Trail Wins Lieutenant Governor’s Award for Excellence in Economic Development
The Economic Development Council of Ontario (EDCO) presented the Lieutenant Governor’s Award for Excellence in Economic Development to the Ottawa Valley Recreation Trail Partners Group. The award was presented at the annual conference of the EDCO on January 31st in the category “Collaboration and partnership and cross-border for communities of 50,000 to 250,000 inhabitants”. EDCO’s […]
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General Assembly of the Pontiac Chamber of Commerce on February 21st
The next Pontiac Chamber of Commerce General Meeting will be held on February 21st at 5:30pm at the Brauwerk Hoffman brewery in Campbell’s Bay. The members of the organization are invited to attend two presentations: the first will be given by Sylvie Séguin of the Saint-Laurent- Mont-Royal Chamber of Commerce and Industry, to discuss the […]
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Shawville Fair elects a new president
The Board of Directors of the Shawville Fair elected a new president at their annual general meeting (AGM) on January 24th. Tyler McCann, a 10 year Board member, said in yesterday’s press release that he is ”honoured to continue the tradition of the fair and how it brings the community together every year. We have […]
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Renmatix, the company targeted to settle in Litchfield
According to the information obtained by CHIP 101.9, the American company Renmatix, which owns various industrial complexes in Pennsylvania, New York State and Georgia, is the company that has been singled out to establish a bio-refinery that could be settled in Litchfield as part of the development of a Biomass Conversion Center. The Warden of […]
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Résidence Meilleur: public meeting this Thursday
A public meeting concerning the Résidence Meilleur du Haut Pontiac, the senior’s home in Chapeau, will take place this Thursday at 7pm at Harrington Hall in the Chapeau sector of l’Isle-aux-Allumettes. It will include questions about the project’s schedule, the budget, the process for registering to live there, and the various details for future of […]
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Scholarships for Internships to encourage municipal succession
Quebec municipalities are invited to apply for the opportunity to obtain one of the 21 “I work for my city” internship scholarships worth $ 3,000, offered by the Relève municipale committee. A committee consisting mainly of l’Association des directeurs généraux des municipalités du Québec (ADGMQ), of the Corporation des officiers municipaux agréés du Québec (COMAQ) […]
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