The power returned for most clients Friday and Saturday
Most areas in the Pontiac were affected by the strong winds on Friday and Saturday, which caused many power outages across the region. Yesterday, the power was restored for all of Hydro-Quebec’s clients. Note that for the Upper Pontiac, despite the high number of outages, the number of minutes for 2019 remains lower than last […]
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The Comets will play at Mont-Tremblant this Saturday
The Pontiac Comets will be on the road this weekend to face the Mont-Tremblant Diables. The Comets have suffered 3 consecutive losses. The game will take place this Saturday, CHIP 101.9 will be on site, fans can get the results of the game as well as a report via the station’s Facebook page. The Comets’ […]
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Caisse Desjardins des Rivières de Pontiac celebrates 75 years
Caisse Desjardins des Rivières de Pontiac will celebrate 75 years of presence in the community during a 5a7 on Thursday, November 28th at the Community Hall of the Knights of Columbus, 525, rue Baume, Fort-Coulonge. To get one of the free tickets, visit one of the Caisse’s two service centers by Wednesday, November 20th. Note […]
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Eradication of outdoor cannabis production
The Sûreté du Québec issued a press release yesterday to report the several days that were specifically dedicated to the eradication of foreign cannabis throughout the province in recent weeks, with the goal of seizing illegal plants and arresting smugglers. For the Outaouais-Laurentides region, more than 7,800 plants were seized, ans about 60 people have […]
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A message from the MRC Pontiac Environment Service
Yesterday, the MRC Pontiac issued a public notice pertaining to the amount of uncontrolled dumpsites in the public forests of the MRC Pontiac. Following an agreement signed between the municipality of Otter Lake and the MRC, TNO users in the townships served by the Picanoc road can dispose of their household waste at the municipal […]
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Meeting with Secretariat for relations with English-speaking Quebecers
Today, a meeting will take place between the CAQ’s Secretariat for relations with English-speaking Quebecers and the representatives of the English Speaking Community in the Outaouais as part of the “Building bridges tour”. This tour, spear headed by Christopher Skeete, the MNA for Sainte-Rose and Parliamentary Assistant to the Premier for Relations with English-Speaking Quebecers, […]
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Mansfield will no longer accept flood debris at the dump
The municipality of Mansfield-et-Pontefract notified their residents, Thursday, that they will now charge a fee to deposit flood debris at the municipal transfer site (dump). It was said in a Facebook post from the municipality that “It is the understanding of the management of the transfer site that the cleaning is completed due to the […]
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Fire at Gatineau Hospital Thursday
According to the Centre Intégré de santé et de services sociaux (CISSS) de l’Outaouais, a fire broke out on the ground floor of the Gatineau hospital on Thursday. Aside from obstetrics wing, the other services were forced to evacuate and remained closed for the day due to the smoke; the outpatient clinics; the sampling service; […]
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Quyon Ferry closed due to strong winds
Breaking new out of the Quyon sector of the municipality of Pontiac today as strong winds has forced the closure of the Quyon Ferry. According to Hello Shawville Magazine, at approximately 12pm today, the wind had an impact on the cable operated ferry which drifted downstream from the designated line but was soon recovered. As […]
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‘Building Bridges Tour’ with English Speaking communities Nov 1st
This Friday, the Quebec government will meet with the different representatives of the English Speaking Communities in the Outaouais region, to establish more dialogue with the English-speaking community. This meeting is part of the Building Bridges Tour, a tour for rebuilding relations with English-speaking Quebecers across Québec. In September, CHIP 101.9 spoke to the MNA […]
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