Chichester: Roadwork carried out on December 2nd and 3rd on Chapeau-Sheenboro Road
Slope stabilization work will be carried out on Chapeau-Sheenboro Road on December 2nd and 3rd between Chichester Street and Picard Road in the Municipality of Chichester. During the operations, traffic will alternate between 8 am and 5 pm with the help of signals.
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Monthly mayors meeting tonight: budget presentation
This evening, Wednesday, November 27th, the Mayors of the MRC Pontiac will hold its annual meeting for the month of November at 18:30, in the room Elsie Gibbons at the MRC Pontiac in Campbell’s Bay. The meeting is open to the public to learn more on the latest developments in the MRC Pontiac and, notably, […]
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The Génies en Herbe semi-finals of the École des Petits Ponts
The Elementary Schools in the Pontiac of the Hauts-Bois-de-l’Outaouais school board will have the Génies en herbe semi-finals on Thursday and Friday. From the École des Petits Ponts, France Lavoie, gave more details. The Grand finale of Génies en herbe will take place on Thursday, December 6th in the auditorium of Sieur-de-Coulonge High School. Voici […]
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10th annual walk against violence towards women
Nearly 30 people took part in the annual walk to raise awareness of violence against women. Monday celebrated the walk’s 10th anniversary. The event lasted a little less than an hour and the organizers, the Knights of Columbus and EntourElle, celebrated the opening of the “Banc des Diane (Diana Bench)”, located outside the Church in […]
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TTF Pontiac: still operational
In an interview with CHIP 101.9 earlier this week, the provincial representative for the Pontiac at the National Assembly in Quebec, André Fortin mentioned that the tactical task force (TTF), mandated to help the Pontiac economy, was still in operation but that some changes may occur. The TTF was created under the Couillard government (LPQ) […]
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André Fortin on Bill 40
When asked about Bill 40, which aims to change governance of the education system, the MNA for Pontiac, André Fortin said that he believes that once the bill is passed, it could have negative impacts on the representation of regions such as our own. Last week, Élizabeth Séguin spoke with the ministre de l’Éducation et […]
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“Maybe we are the solution with the Davidson cogeneration project”- André Fortin
The MNA for Pontiac André Fortin believes that it will be important in the coming weeks for the MRC Pontiac to be present at various discussions concerning the forest industry and the current challenges at the Fortress plant, located in Thurso. André Fortin said that he believes that the Davidson cogeneration project could have a […]
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The FPJQ Outaouais is outraged by Mayor Newberry’s comments on CHIP 101.9
The Outaouais section of the Fédération professionnelle des journalistes du Québec (FPJQ), took a position following the statements made by the Mayor of Île-du-Grand-Calumet, Serge Newberry, at the municipal meeting in late October. In a statement issued yesterday on the FPJQ’s website, the Outaouais sector reviewed the information made public by CHIP 101.9 regarding the […]
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Testimony of a nurse fearing for the safety of babies and moms at Radio-Canada
In an article published yesterday by Radio-Canada, a nurse expressed concerns that “the life of mothers and their babies are in danger at the Shawville Hospital”. The MNA for Pontiac, André Fortin addressed the nurse in question. André Fortin said that he hoped to see transparency from the Centre intégré de santé et de services […]
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News about the project to create energy from waste
CHIP 101.9 recently spoke with the Warden of the MRC Pontiac, Jane Toller, to get an update on the project to receive waste from the Outaouais and parts of eastern Ontario to create clean energy. The full interview with Jane Toller is available here.
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