100 M$ for businesses to offer training to their employee
Up to $100,000 in grants will be offered to businesses across the province to train their employees and review their organization in view of resuming activities after the COVID-19 Pandemic. A program called “Concerted temporary action program for businesses” (PACTE) was announced Monday afternoon by the Minister of Labor, Employment and Social Solidarity, Jean Boulet. […]
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Financial aid for low-wage workers
Quebec will offer a bonus of $100 a week during 4 months to essential workers whose wages are lower than the $2,000 per month aid benefit, granted by the federal government. This compensation will be retroactive as of March 15th, and will total $1,600 per month. It is aimed to low-wage workers, such as grocery […]
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Control points in the MRC Des Collines-de-l’Outaouais
As of April 1st, the Sûreté du Québec and Public security services have been deployed throughout the Outaouais to limit access to the region and non-essential travel in order to reduce the spread of COVID-19. The Public Security Service of the MRC des Collines-de-l’Outaouais has indicated the strategic areas where the roadside checkpoints are located […]
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Despite the rise in water, Jane Toller is reassuring
The context of COVID-19 pandemic mixed with the possibility of a spring flood in 2020 is a cause for concern across the Pontiac. The Warden of the MRC Pontiac, Jane Toller, was reassuring, however, specifying that according to the communications she had with the Ottawa River Regulation Planning Board, the current data is, in her […]
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Fort-Coulonge is asking for residents collaboration regarding residual material pick-ups
Municipal services must adjust to the situation surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. The collection of waste and recycling is no exception, in some municipalities such as Fort-Coulonge, the municipality is asking for the cooperation of citizens to comply with public safety instructions. The mayor of Fort-Coulonge, Gaston Allard, asks that citizens make sure to help the […]
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Mayors of the MRC Pontiac to discuss floods and aid to enterprises
The mayors of the MRC Pontiac will meet this Wednesday to discuss, among other things, emergency aid to small and medium-sized businesses and civil security in the event of floods. This extraordinary meeting of the Council of Mayors is convened to be held on Wednesday April 8th, 2020 in the morning. In order to comply […]
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12 new cases of COVID-19 in the Outaouais
The Outaouais region has declared 12 new cases of COVID-19 on its territory on Tuesday, bringing the total to 129. The MRC Pontiac still counts 5 cases and less. According to information provided by the Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux (CISSS) de l’Outaouais, 99 people are infected with the virus in Gatineau. […]
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5:30 pm Update – Jane Toller – April 7th, 2020
5:30 p.m. update from the Warden of the MRC Pontiac Jane Toller. Topics to note today: – Spring Floods – Easter celebrations – Local and provincial situation update
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Report – Quebec Government’s 1 p.m. press briefing – April 7th 2020
Each day, the Quebec government holds a press briefing to update its citizens regarding the situation surrounding COVID-19 across Québec. These press briefings are broadcast live on the air in French at 1 p.m. on CHIP 101.9. During The Drive on CHIP 101.9, after 5p.m., the following English report is presented to summarize the briefing […]
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The Government hopes to see Quebecers use the “Le Panier bleu” program
The Government of Quebec is trying to encourage Quebecers to buy locally as a way to stimulate their local economy thereby avoiding unnecessary travel. Québec Residents can now use the “Le Panier bleu” app, which is a new platform to compete with other online shopping platforms such as Amazon. Le Panier bleu is available at
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