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Carrefour Jeunesse-Emploi launches student employment days

Carrefour Jeunesse-Emploi launches student employment days

11 May 2022 à 12:00 am

Updated on 22 November 2022 à 2:49 pm

The Carrefour jeunesse-emploi du Pontiac recently launched their new student employment days pilot project for the month of May, in order to prepare French and English-speaking students in Pontiac’s high schools and adult education centers for the job market.

Project manager Mélissa Piché explained that the intention of this program is to help students aged 15 to 30 by giving them interview skills and connecting them with employers. Students have a chance to peruse job listings provided by the CJE, and when they select what they’re interested in, they will have help putting together a resume. They will also be offered a mock interview to prepare them for the real thing.

She explained that the program would be offered in both English and French high-schools as well as the local adult education centres. Since the end of the school year is busy with exams and the like, they would be accommodating to each school’s schedule.

There’s still time for employers seeking summer students to participate, by calling Piché at 819 648-5065.

The full interview with Piché is available here.