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Canamex : Closing the loop in the Pontiac

Canamex : Closing the loop in the Pontiac

8 October 2019 à 12:00 am

Last week, following the announcement of an international workshop on Agritourism in Burlington, Vermont in October 2020, CHIP 101.9 spoke to the Chair of the Canadian American exchange agro-tourism circuit (CANAMEX), David Gillespie, who will take part in the Conference as the representative of Canada on the international steering committee. In the interview, Gillespie talked about being on the international Committee thanks to CANAMEX;

Also during the interview, CHIP 101.9 learned of another, unofficial, announcement of completing the CANAMEX circuit through the Pontiac, from Renfrew through the upper Pontiac into Pembroke:

This meeting will take place in the end of October and will include businesses, farms, organizations, elected officials and other stakeholders in the Pontiac. More details will be available soon, or listen to the full interview with David Gillespie here.