Calls for nominations for the Elsie-Gibbons Award

Calls for nominations for the Elsie-Gibbons Award

29 May 2018 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 10:43 am

The FQM officially composed its jury and launched the call for nominations for the Elsie Gibbons Award, which aims to recognize the influence of a municipal elected representative and encourage women’s involvement, particularly in municipal politics.

The award was named in honor of the first female mayor in Quebec history, Elsie Gibbons mayor of Portage-du-Fort from 1953 to 1971. She was also the first female Warden in Quebec, serving as warden of Pontiac County from 1959 to 1961. Her commitment helped to pave the way for women to get involved in municipal politics.

The name of the recipient of the Elsie-Gibbons Award will be announced at the FQM Annual Conference Gala on Thursday, September 20th at the Palais des congrès in Montréal. The deadline for applications is Friday, June 15th.

Les informations concernant les modalités d’inscription sont disponibles dans le document d’appel de candidatures ci-joint.
