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Budget 2024: Alleyn-et-Cawood using regional funds for local recreational infrastructure

Budget 2024: Alleyn-et-Cawood using regional funds for local recreational infrastructure

30 January 2024 à 2:10 pm

Updated on 30 January 2024 à 3:28 pm

As part of CHIP 101.9’s annual tour of Pontiac’s municipal budgets, we spoke with Alleyn-et-Cawood Director General Isabelle Cardinal about the goings on in the region’s eastern corner.


Cardinal explained that much like the previous several years, the municipality is keeping their mill rate at $1.13 per $100 assessed. She said that while they had issued roughly 30 building permits over the past year, and the overall tax base had increased, they had maintained the same mill rate to account for increased expenses. She added that next year they would be receiving their new triennial roll, which she anticipates will bring an increase in property assessments and perhaps a change in the mill rate.


Cardinal said after receiving two successive rounds of funding from the regional FRR component 4, they were planning some upgrades to their municipal park this summer, including new soccer field, a pickleball court and more. They were also allocated funding for camping infrastructure at Mount O’Brien Park, including campsites, new outhouses and signage.

The full 2024 budget for Alleyn-et-Cawood is available here.