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Bryson Generating Station: No repairs in 2020

Bryson Generating Station: No repairs in 2020

28 February 2020 à 12:00 am

The repair work at the Bryson power generating station, which was set to start in winter 2020 to be completed in the fall of 2022, is now under evaluation. As a result, no repair work will be carried out in 2020, contrary to what was announced by Hydro Quebec in December 2017.

The spokesperson and advisor in community relations for Hydro Quebec, Alain Paquette, gave more details on the reason that prompted the corporation to make this decision.

No timeline has been set thus far on the future of the project, however, some repair work will be carried out on the Bryson-Des Chenaux Line in the coming months.

Built in 1924-1925, the Bryson Generating Station is located on the Ottawa River, on the territory of the municipality of Bryson, in the Grand Calumet channel. The initial project announced by Hydro-Québec was to replace the three turbine-generator groups and the two upstream and downstream decks.

Also read:
La réfection de la centrale Bryson en 2020

Détails des travaux pour la centrale Bryson