Be on the lookout for back to school traffic as the Pontiac returns to classes
Be on the lookout for back to school traffic as the Pontiac returns to classes
Yellow buses are back on our roads with several hundred students all over the Pontiac who are the returning to class. The Sûreté du Québec reminds all on Pontiac roads to be particularly vigilant in the vicinity of school zones. Sergeant Marc Tessier of the Sûreté du Québec says that drivers need to remain vigilant especially when dealing with foot and bike traffic:
The penalties are severe for drivers who violate the limits in place in school zones. Any driver who passes a school bus with their side stop sign red lights flashing is committing an offense that can result in nine demerit points and a fine of a minimum of $ 200.
The full interview with Sergent Marc Tessier is available here.

autobus scolaire – élèves