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Ball tournament raises $11,000 for Fort-Coulonge Minor Hockey

Ball tournament raises $11,000 for Fort-Coulonge Minor Hockey

9 August 2023 à 10:25 am

This past weekend, the fundraiser ball tournament for the Fort-Coulonge Minor Hockey Association raised $11,000, money that the association will need after the Comets teams were denied approval to play in Ontario next year.

“This year we had a record in the number of teams which was 13 teams in the family division and 4 teams in the non-family division,” said organizer and Association President Paul Boisvert. “This is the highest amount since I took charge of the tournament. This fundraiser is very important for our association and I am very happy that it is a success year after year.”

The big winners are the members of the Béland Family, with a one-point victory in the 8th round against the Corriveau family. In the non-family division, the Knights defeated the Chiefs.

“I will take this opportunity to thank all the teams who participated, the volunteers who gave their time in the bar, the refereeing and the cleaning. Without the participation of its volunteers, it would be impossible to have such a success,” said Boisvert.