Back to the Leucan Outaouais Chefs Challenge

Back to the Leucan Outaouais Chefs Challenge

27 March 2018 à 12:00 am

The Leucan chefs’ challenge was held last Thursday to raise funds for Leucan Outaouais. Nearly 700 guests were present for this friendly culinary competition. The organization’s goal was $ 100,000, a goal met and beat as they raised a total of $ 115,000 this year. CHIP 101.9 own Marie Gionet who participated on behalf of the station says that the event was a huge success;

The winning team consisted of Yannick LaSalle, a Pontiac Native, from Les Fougères Restaurant, Sébastien Plouffe of CHGA Maniwaki and Kloé, aged 12. The event is expected to be back again next year.

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