Current show

Author: Marie Gionet

29 November 2023 à 4:02 pm

Bouffe Pontiac Director General Kim Laroche talks about their preparations for this year’s Christmas season.

29 November 2023 à 9:47 am

In a French-language interview with CHIP 101.9 last week, Pontiac MNA André Fortin said he was eager for an agreement to be reached within the public service, particularly in the field of education, given the complications for parents. “Well, indeed, people organize themselves as best they can when there is a strike at school,” he […]

27 November 2023 à 3:49 pm

There were a number of public safety resolutions passed at the latest MRC Pontiac council of mayors meeting on November 22, including one requesting a four-way stop light at the intersection of Hwy. 148 and Rte. 301 N in Campbell’s Bay. Along with the resolutions detailed below, council also opted to pay for the next […]

23 November 2023 à 4:14 pm

Unionized public sector workers continued their historic strike today (November 23), with hundreds of thousands of education and health care workers taking to picket lines across the province. The Front Commun, a coalition of unions representing more than 420,000 members, was joined today by several other unions outside its umbrella, such as the FIQ, FAE […]

23 November 2023 à 2:32 pm

Updated on 24 November 2023 à 3:35 pm

At the MRC Pontiac council of mayors meeting on November 22, several members of the Pontiac County Women’s Institute were present to advocate for some new signage on the region’s highways warning of slow-moving farm equipment. The Women’s Institute is an international community organization that was founded in 1897, and has advocated for numerous reforms, […]

23 November 2023 à 1:35 pm

At the MRC Pontiac’s monthly council of mayors meeting last night (November 22), council approved a budget of $9.8 million for 2024. In a press release, the MRC noted some highlights from this year’s document: Total MRC Pontiac expenditures: $9.8 million Grants and revenues from services: $5.5 million Expenditure by department: • Administration: $1,970,209 • […]

On Wednesday morning around 50 people turned out to the Little Red Wagon Winery in Clarendon for a consultation on the future of agriculture in the Pontiac region. The event was the first of several public meetings to update the plan de développement de la zone agricole (PDZA), a document that sets the region’s agricultural […]

22 November 2023 à 2:54 pm

Shanna Armstrong, an economic development officer at MRC Pontiac specializing in agriculture, talks about the public consultation on the plan de développement de la zone agricole (PDZA) that was held on November 22.

21 November 2023 à 3:40 pm

Picket lines were plentiful throughout the Pontiac, as public sector workers in health, education and social services began a three-day strike this morning (November 21). Members of the Front Commun, a coalition of unions representing more than 400,000 public sector workers across the province held their first strike day on November 6, kicking off one of […]

20 November 2023 à 4:04 pm

On Monday morning (November 20) more than 100 people gathered at the RA Hall in Campbell’s Bay for a fundraising breakfast organized by Warden Jane Toller in support of Centraide Outaouais (known as the United Way in English). Toller invited several speakers up on stage to discuss the impact that Centraide has had on their […]