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Art Pontiac: Artist Talks in Portage-du-Fort

Art Pontiac: Artist Talks in Portage-du-Fort

6 August 2020 à 12:00 am

Art Pontiac is inviting the population to a Causerie discussion – Artists Talks – on Sunday August 16th at 1:30 p.m. at the Stone School in the municipality of Portage-du-Fort. In an interview, Linda Girard, a local artist, talked about the discussion which will be based on her 10 years of experience working on Encaustic paintings.

This discussion will be the first among three, with Eric Fletcher following on September 20th and ending with Tina Petrovicz on October 11th.

The full interview with Linda Gerald will premier live on CHIP 101.9 today after 4 p.m.