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Application for a local office for the MSP and info session in English

Application for a local office for the MSP and info session in English

21 May 2019 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 10:55 am

The Regional Council of Mayors recently asks the Ministry of Public Security (MSP) to establish a temporary office in the Pontiac to facilitate access to the services being offered by MSP for residents affected by the floods.

In an interview with CHIP 101.9 in English only, the Warden of the MRC asked that the information session given by the MSP be held once again, but in English. The MRC is asking that additional meetings be organized in the Pontiac by the MSP and that documentations also be offered for English residents.

The Regional Council have also supported the resolution 93-05-2019 adopted by the Council of the Municipality of Mansfield-and-Pontefract, entitled ” Demande d’enquête sur la régularisation des rivières et la gestion des barrages en Outaouais. ”

The regional council also asked that the MRC looks in to the possibility of coordinating a collection of residual materials for municipalities and residents affected by the spring freshet. Once the information has been obtained, the MRC will communicate with the municipalities to inform them of the available options.
