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Anonymous letter calling on the citizens of Île-du-Grand-Calumet to mobilize against the municipal council

Anonymous letter calling on the citizens of Île-du-Grand-Calumet to mobilize against the municipal council

1 March 2018 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 10:41 am

Despite the election of a new municipal council last November, the municipality of L’Île-du-Grand-Calumet is still struggling with criticism from citizens. In an anonymous letter distributed via post boxes to residents of the municipality, residents are called to mobilize for a public meeting on March 5.

The current mayor, Serge Newberry, is being criticized for wanting to increase his salary. The letter also states that the Executive Director Lisa Boisvert, who started in the position last November, has no experience in public administration. She is criticized for her absences and the closure of the municipal office on numerous occasions.

Municipal council meetings are also taking heat for a lack of organization. Critics say that the atmosphere between some elected officials and employees is tense and that they have even received threats. The letter ends by asking for citizens to present themselves at the municipal council meeting on March 5. The anonymous letter only indicates the author as “Concerned”.

Last night CHIP 101.9 spoke with the mayor of the municipality by telephone , Serge Newberry, who said that he was going to withdraw the request to increase his work hours and that he was going to release more details next Monday. Also during this telephone conversation , Serge Newberry said that the office of the municipality is currently undergoing a restructuring. He also added that the council of elected officials is currently stable, and that he has no intention of changing his objectives to improve the municipal office internally.

A copy of the letter written in French is available here:

Lettre anonyme l’Île-du-Grand-Calumet

The municipality of Île-du-Grand-Calumet has faced significant instability challenges and various allegations against its management in recent history. The municipality has seen 5 different mayors in the past 5 years.
