An ESSC teacher is a recipient of a medal at the Forces Avenir Gala

An ESSC teacher is a recipient of a medal at the Forces Avenir Gala

1 March 2021 à 12:00 am

Mélissa Giroux, a special education teacher at the Sieur-de-Coulonge high school (ESSC), received the bronze medal in the Personal future committed category at the Forces Avenir Gala.

In a post via the ESSC Facebook page, it is said that Mélissa should be proud of her achievements regarding her commitments.

“She brilliantly takes on the challenges she faces every day of the school year, thanks to her impressive composure. Her job is to help young people thrive and find what is right for them in life. The students are all unique, they all have talents, potential, limits and like every human being, problems. Mélissa is fortunate enough to work with a small group of them who, for one reason or another, could not follow in the footsteps of many. Working with a small group means having the chance to get to know each student much better and to adapt to them to provide the most appropriate assistance possible ”

The school adds that she is always available for her students, she listens to them and does not judge them. She questions, makes people think, but does not condemn. “From a very young age, she has seen herself in a profession where you help others. Mélissa wanted to become a teacher when she was in elementary school and a psychologist in high school. She took a technique in social work and then moved on to primary education. Despite a marked preference for older children, she believed that the context of elementary school would give her the opportunity to get to know the students better and therefore to help them better. Struggling to work enough to feed her family, she decided to add strings to her bow. She did the propaedeutics to be able to access the DESS in orthopedagogy. Mélissa got the job she currently holds before completing the DESS in question and has discovered the perfect clientele for her: special education students in high school ”mentions the publication concerning this honor of Mélissa Giroux in the category Avenir personnel committed to the Gala Forces Avenir.

Mélissa is a very organized and punctual teacher. She manages her personal time, her work and her commitments in a remarkable way. “Mélissa is a teacher who shines for her students. He is an exceptional and special being at the same time. She works hard with young people because they need a contact, a role model. Mélissa works hard to avoid conflicts, whether with her colleagues or with the students. She understands that there is no one perfect, but that there are ways to say certain things in these situations. She chose the path of honesty. She speaks with her heart and is very demanding in terms of respect ”concludes the publication intended for the honor won by this teacher from ESSC.