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A resolution related to the company Renmatix supported unanimously

A resolution related to the company Renmatix supported unanimously

18 December 2020 à 12:00 am

During the MRC Pontiac meeting, held last Wednesday, the mayor of L’Isle-aux-Allumettes, Winston Sunstrum, presented two resolutions related to the forest industry. The first concerned the Renmatix company. This company, headquartered in Atlanta, is back in the news, after the vote on November 25 , to request conditions in order to renew the annual amount intended for the consultant and president of Fiber Pontiac, Pierre Vézina. Winston Sunstrum insisted that the MRC thank and welcome the company Renmatix, for its interest in establishing its biorefinery in the Pontiac industrial park, located in Litchfield (former site of the Smurfit-Stone). The company had been qualified as a cornerstone by Pierre Vézina, in order to develop and start the Biomass Valorization Center.

Winston Sunstrum also requested that a meeting on the forest industry be held. Mr. Sunstrum said he hoped that the mayors of the MRC could be more united regarding projects related to the forestry industry in the Pontiac.

Both resolutions were adopted unanimously. The meeting concerning the forest industry should take place on January 16.

The full interview with the Mayor of L’Isle-aux-Allumettes, Winston Sunstrum, is available here.

Here is the resolution related to the company Renmatix

WHEREAS the MRC Pontiac has been working to promote economic development on its territory in Forestry since the closure of Smurfit Stone;

WHEREAS governments prioritize the development of companies that use forest resource processing technologies that have a low environmental impact;

WHEREAS the company Renmatix is recognized for its technology in the transformation of wood fiber to bioproducts;

WHEREAS Renmatix would stimulate the local economy by capitalizing on unused pulpwood which is available in abundance in the MRC Pontiac territory;

WHEREAS Renmatix, or a similar company, would be the anchor in a Biopark for a group of companies that would complement each other;

WHEREAS Renmatix is a company well recognized for their success of Energy and sustainability;

WHEREAS a project anywhere in the Pontiac benefits the entire Pontiac;

WHEREAS it is good Investor Attraction policy to welcome all companies looking to locate in the MRC Pontiac;

THEREFORE, it was moved by Mr. Armstrong and resolved that the MRC Pontiac welcome Renmatix and thank them for their interest in the MRC Pontiac.

It was also resolved that the Council of Mayors pursue and support the location of Renmatix in the MRC Pontiac.

Be it further resolved that a copy of the resolution be forwarded to Renmatix, Pontiac MNA Mr. André Fortin, MP for Pontiac Mr. Will Amos, the Minister Responsible for the Outaouais region Mr. Mathieu Lacombe, the Minister of Economy and Innovation Mr. Pierre Fitzgibbon, the Minister of Forests, Wildlife and Parks Mr. Pierre Dufour and the Minister of Natural Resources of Canada Mr. Seamus O’Regan.