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A reduction of power outages compared to June 2019

A reduction of power outages compared to June 2019

13 July 2020 à 12:00 am

According to statistics from David Gillespie, a farmer from L’Isle-aux-Allumettes who has kept detailed statistics of power outages in Upper Pontiac, the outages have seen a reduction comparable to the same date last year. A total of 22 failures have been listed since the start of the year. In a interview with David Gillespie, he explained the possible reasons for this year’s decrease in outages.

Note, last year, a total of 103 outages were recorded, a record far exceeding that of previous year’s since the compilation of the power failures in the Pontiac Ouest have been collected.

According to David Gillespie’s data, June 2020 saw the largest number of outages thus far this year with a total of 8 outages.

Table of the power outages in L’Isle-aux-Allumettes (Haut Pontiac)
Année/Year # de pannes/# of failures # de minutes/ # of minutes
2009 35 670
2010 34 184
2011 46 5699
2012 42 1294
2013 60 6629
2014 54 1411
2015 70 939
2016 75 4030
2017 58 784
2018 63 2802
2019 103 2675
2020 (to date) 22 1232

The full interview with David Gillespie is available here.