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A project to better position Pontiac agricultural products on the Internet

A project to better position Pontiac agricultural products on the Internet

15 June 2020 à 12:00 am

The MRC Pontiac launched on June 12th a call for tenders for e-commerce site developers to work with e-commerce specialists to better position the Pontiac agricultural sector to promote their products via the Internet.

According to the MRC Pontiac, this project aims to create an online solution for the sale and marketing of food products from producers and agricultural businesses in Pontiac. The project is called “Pontiac Regional Agricultural Market” and aims to present the project in its entirety and to structure it around the orientations and future projects piloted by the MRC Pontiac in this sector. The project seeks to give visibility to producers and agricultural businesses, and an online presence of public markets available in our territory. The proposal was part of the funding received by the Regional Support Fund, as well as in response to certain actions in the development plan for agricultural areas.

E-commerce website development companies or organizations that use this kind of technology are encouraged to send a brief presentation of their business or organization. For more information about this proposal, producers can send a request to receive the call for proposals document electronically.

For more information, please contact