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A pilot project allowing Quad Clubs in Ontario to use Quebec Trail Networks

A pilot project allowing Quad Clubs in Ontario to use Quebec Trail Networks

8 September 2020 à 12:00 am

A new pilot project has recently been established between the Fédération québecoise des Clubs Quads (FQCQ) and the Ontario Federation of ATV Clubs (OFATV), which allows the members of 20 Ontario quad clubs to use the trail networks in Quebec. The Director general of the Club Quad du Pontiac, Dianne Barrette, explained how this new agreement will be beneficial for tourism in the region.

This agreement will span over the next 3 years, during which the Club Quad du Pontiac will be monitoring the impacts on tourism in the Pontiac in addition to the fact that Ontario Quad Club members will be able to use the Quebec trails during the winter.

Dianne Barrette added that moving forward, Québec Quad club members will also have access to Ontario trails under the same costs and conditions.

The full interview with Dianne Barrette is available here.