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A petition is currently circulating to demonstrate support for the project

A petition is currently circulating to demonstrate support for the project

31 July 2020 à 12:00 am

A petition to support the Davidson Energy project is currently making the rounds.

According to a group of citizens who set up this petition, the objective is to collect signatures in order to demonstrate to the government the support of the community for this project in the region. Here is the argument used to convince citizens to sign.


Considering that since 2008, several forestry companies have closed their doors in the Pontiac;

Considering that the economic situation in the region remains difficult;

Considering that the forestry situation in the Outaouais is now facing major difficulties and that many businesses have announced their closure;

Considering that there are no longer any buyers of pulpwood in the region;

Considering that a project to build a co-generation plant and a sawmill is under development in the Municipality of Mansfield-et-Pontefract, and that this project benefits from a long-term agreement with Hydro-Quebec;

Considering that this project would contribute to the whole region by using lower quality wood;

Considering that this project would have a major impact on the regional economy and has the potential to create 250 jobs in the region;

Considering that the project enjoys significant support in the community;

We, the undersigned, ask the Government of Quebec to provide the necessary supply guarantee for the project so that this co-generation plant and this sawmill can be established in Mansfield.


In addition to the Mansfield and Fort-Coulonge area, the petition should also be circulated in Shawville, Bryson, Campbell’s Bay and L’Isle-aux-Allumettes among others. Following the collection of signatures, the petition should be sent to the National Assembly in Quebec.