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A new theme for the 2020 Terry Fox Run/Ride/Walk in the Pontiac

A new theme for the 2020 Terry Fox Run/Ride/Walk in the Pontiac

12 August 2020 à 12:00 am

The 2020 edition of the Terry Fox Run will begin in the Pontiac on August 22 and continue until September 20. This year, due to COVID-19, the organizers of the Terry Fox run have introduced the individual based theme: ”Try it like Terry.” Under this theme, the participants will be able to outline personal goals in Kilometres collectively trying to achieve or surpass a 5,373 km or the distance traveled by Terry Fox in 1980.

One of the organizers and founders of the Pontiac Terry Fox run, John Petty, gave more details.

This year’s Terry Fox run is encouraging individual participation such as walking, running, biking, swimming, kayaking or yoga with the goal getting people up and moving. Participants can register online as an individual, or as a team and set an achievable goal. An app was also made available this year to keep track of the team or individual progress.

More details on this can be found at (a specific website will be created for the Pontiac run). Participants are also encouraged to create a short social post (static or video) explaining each person’s personal challenge and then post it on social media with #TryLikeTerry and @terryfoxfoundation

Listen to the full interview with John Petty here.