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A new regional alert and intervention system

A new regional alert and intervention system

8 September 2020 à 12:00 am

On Tuesday, the Quebec government announced the establishment of a new regional alert and intervention system as a way of limiting the health, social and economic impacts of COVID‑19, protecting the most vulnerable population and avoiding healthcare system overloads.

This new system will now designate each region in Quebec with a colour raging from green to red, or vigilance to maximum alert. The Outaouais region, Québec, Estrie and Laval are, thus far, the only regions categorized as yellow or in Early warning, with the rest province in Green.

The Ministre de la santé et des Services Sociaux, Christian Dubé.

The Public health authorities will monitoring and reviewing the situation per region on a weekly basis, and making adjustments based on the epidemiological situation, transmission control and healthcare system capacity.

Level 2 (Yellow) or in Early Warning is required as soon as transmission of the virus starts to grow. The basic measures will be strengthened and further action taken to promote and encourage compliance. For example, there could be more inspections and greater crowd control in various venues to facilitate physical distancing.

Level 1 (Green)–Vigilance requires constant attention amid the COVID 19 pandemic. This level corresponds to weak community spread and requires that all dictated basic measures are followed in all settings (physical distancing, respiratory etiquette, hand-washing, etc.). Other measures may also apply for specific activities and settings.

Level 2 (Yellow) –Early Warning is required as soon as transmission of the virus starts to grow. The basic measures will be strengthened and further action taken to promote and encourage compliance. For example, there could be more inspections and greater crowd control in various venues to facilitate physical distancing.

Level 3 (Orange) –Moderate Alert introduces new measures that target specific sectors of activity and settings where the risk of transmission is deemed higher. These sectors and settings will be subject to selective restrictions, prohibitions and closures.

Level 4 (Red) – Maximum Alert includes targeted and additional more restrictive measures that could extend to prohibiting non-essential activities in situations where risk cannot be sufficiently contained, while avoiding the generalized confinement that was experienced during the first wave of the pandemic as much as possible.

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More details will be available soon.

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