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A new chef and a new image for the Bryson’s Bistro du Bucheron

A new chef and a new image for the Bryson’s Bistro du Bucheron

5 March 2021 à 12:00 am

The Bistro du Bucheron restaurant, located at the Conference Center in Fort-Coulonge, presented its new menu yesterday. Owner Jane Toller took the opportunity to introduce her new chef, Rodney Kaufman, a renowned chef from the Toronto area, who presented the restaurant’s new concept.

The Bryson Bistro du Bucheron will now be dedicated mainly to Pontiac products, beer from Brauwerk Hoffman, wine from the Little Red Wagon Winery, vegetables from the Paul Amyotte greenhouses, pork from the Ferme la Paysannerie, beef from the Abattoir Les Viandes du Pontiac, etc.

“We want to be inspired by Pontiac products in order to create the dishes that will be part of our menu. Vegetables from agricultural producers or even mixing a beer from the Hoffman Brewery with a piece of pork from the Paysannerie, that’s what we are now going to offer “, explained chef Rodney Kaufman

On site, around ten producers from the region attended this tasting. Owner Jane Toller has said she wants to give her restaurant a new image by focusing on local products.

“We have excellent local products, we are very lucky to have access to them, so we want to promote Pontiac products on our menu,” said Jane Toller.

Chef Kaufman mentioned that he will make sure to visit producers in the coming weeks to learn more about their products.