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A mobile cinema project to promote Cultural activities

A mobile cinema project to promote Cultural activities

26 August 2020 à 12:00 am

A new Drive-in movie project is on the verge of being established in the Pontiac.

According to information received by the MRC, Hydro Québec – in collaboration with Culture pour tous – hand-picked 5 MRC’s in Quebec, which includes the MRC Pontiac, to host a Pilot project for the promotion of cultural activities in the province.

”The movies that will be presented are Quebec made and showcase the value of the French Quebec film industry. These values and features are to be promoted in educating just how much talent we have within our own province.”

Culture pour tous has been mandated to interact, help in organizing, and promote the activities for MRC’s, by Hydro Québec

In addition to the Film presentations, the project will also include 3 days theatrical circus workshops for Pontiac youth as well as musical performances and other cultural activities being developed for the senior residences of the Centre intégré de santé et des services sociaux de l’Outaouais.

More details will come next Wednesday.